Links and support for children & young people

Links for children & young people
Here are some links to information and resources for children and young people about safety in organisations:
- Feeling safe and respected in organisations Commission for Children and Young People Western Australia
- SAFE series NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian
- Resources for children and young people Commission for Children and Young People Victoria
- Get help with e-safety and cyberbullying Office of the eSafety Commissioner
- Tips on how to make a complaint Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia
- Kids Central Tools and Resources Institute of Child Protection Studies
- Resources for children and young people in care Create Foundation
For links to the children's commissioners and/or guardians in each state and territory, see our Links & resources page.
Support for children & young people
If you need to talk to someone, here are some places you can get help:
- Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 or
- Lifeline: 13 11 14 or
- Headspace: 1800 650 890 or
For links to other support services, see our Support page.