How can your organisation implement the National Principles?

In order to allow flexibility in implementation, and in recognition of the variety of organisational types, sizes and capacities, the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations outline at a high level the ten elements that are fundamental to making an organisation safe for children.
The National Principles include guidance to help leaders, staff and volunteers understand the important aspects of creating a child safe culture.
Each principle is accompanied by key action areas and indicators. The key action areas reflect the core components of the Royal Commission’s child safe standards. The indicators act as a guide as to whether an organisation is implementing that principle in practice.
Practical tools and training resources are available to help organisations implement the National Principles.
Visit our learning hub for:
- An introductory video message from the National Children’s Commissioner on the National Principles and building a child safe culture
- An Introductory self-assessment tool for organisations
- E-learning modules on the National Principles
Our practical tools for organisations include:
- A Charter of Commitment to Children and Young People
- A Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy template
- An example Child Safe Code of Conduct
- A Checklist for online safety