Advisory group members

Development of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations was informed by two advisory groups: the Implementation Advisory Group and the Consumer Advocacy Advisory Group.
The websites of advisory group members contain information and resources that may be helpful for organisations in particular sectors, parents and carers, and those seeking further information on children and young people with diverse backgrounds and needs.
Implementation Advisory Group
Australian Human Rights Commission
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Affinity Intercultural Foundation
Australia Council for the Arts
Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission
Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Australian Institute of Company Directors
Australian Local Government Association
Australian Medical Association
Insurance Council of Australia
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
National Council of Churches in Australia
Principals Australia Institute
Consumer Advocacy Advisory Group
Australian Human Rights Commission
Australian Centre for Child Protection
Australian Childhood Trauma Group
Australian Multicultural Foundation
Children and Young People with Disability Australia
Institute of Child Protection Studies
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network
National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect